Apparently integrating technology into your exercise regime is entertaining in more way than one! For one runner called Claire, they’re about drawing dicks!
One runner has become an expert in what have been termed ‘dickruns’. Using apps like the Nike+ app that let’s you trace and share your routes with other users, @Dick_Run_Claire has become something of a viral sensation on Instagram by running in such a way as to draw enormous schlongs along her way.
The hilarious account got picked up during the week by the likes of Mashable and BuzzFeed which led then to a surprise rivalry! Another dickrunner also by the name of Claire contacted them to say that she was the original dickrunner called Claire who goes by @og_dick_run_claire
She claims that @Dick_Run_Claire stole her idea which has led to people calling for a ‘dickathlon’ between the two runners.
The penises the pair draw go from the micro to the elephant-like and are fairly hilarious. What’s more the trend has kicked off some copycat runs like #twattrot and #pussyrun.
The practice of drawing things with running and cycling routes isn’t new however, with the hashtag #stravaart collecting a lot of bizarre and brilliant art along with the smutty ones.