Sex is a hot topic in the media, between friends and couples. As with most information that is passed from one person to another on a hearsay basis; what were once facts, have now been distorted or misconstrued. This often leads to individuals feeling nervous or inadequate around their sexual partner.
So, to dispel some of the biggest sex-busting myths, we’ve created our ultimate guide on ‘The Truth About Sex.’
So how much time do we really spend having sex?
Living with somebody has its merits – and sex is one of them. Living with someone is also, at times, hard work so, it is important that the good times far outweigh the bad. With sex being one of the ultimate cherries on the cake (so to speak), just how much of our lifetime is spent getting frisky between the sheets? To answer this question, we asked a number of impartial individuals what percentage they believed one would spend having sex over the course of their
in a study lifetime?
Figures came back as 18% – miles off the actual meagre 0.45 %, as reported conducted by Reebok. That’s less than 1/3 of a year or less than 1% of your life having sex.
Photo credit: Segen/Shutterstock
What size really matters?
Another popular myth is the comical adage, ‘size matters.’ However, this myth has seemingly caused many men to doubt their satisfaction-giving abilities in bed. Furthermore, owing to the fact that men do not often have the chance to view multiple other men’s nether regions; it is hard (pardon the pun) to gauge just what is considered to be a normal size.
Interestingly, the average size guessed by men was 6.5 inches. Yet, in a scientific study conducted by the Kinsey Institute, the average erect penis was recorded between five to seven inches long, and four to six inches in circumference.
How often do people have sex per week?
Perhaps owing to sitcom dramas and trashy magazines, we regularly perceive that were having more sex than we think. When surveyed, it appeared that most people guessed approximately 4-5 times per week was the average. However this was quickly dispelled by Dr. Harry Fisch of New York Presbyterian Hospital, who stated 2-3 times per week for the average couple.
Quality over quantity…
Perhaps then the answer lies in how frequently men and women orgasm during sex? We posed this question to those surveyed, who believed a fair representation would be:
95% of men always reach orgasm during sex
75% of women always reach orgasm during sex
However, according to the National Health and Social Life Survey, 75% of men were able to successfully reach an orgasm during sex, compare to 29% of women.
Wild Fantasies
One of the most popular myths is that men daydream about sex every seven seconds! It was also thought that women only contemplated getting down and dirty an average of 10 times a day. In reality, the Journal of Sex Research recorded men daydreaming their dirty thoughts on average around 34 times a day – about twice every waking hour. Comparably, women were almost half this number at 19 times a day.
Photo credit: coka/Shutterstock
Average number of sexual partners over a lifetime
People are often cagey when revealing their ‘number’. On average, it was guessed that women had around six partners over their lifetime, and men had nine. However, the reality was proven far less in the National Center for Health Statistics, with women admitting to four sexual partners and men, seven.
Average age someone loses their virginity
Those surveyed were not far from correctly guessing the average age men and women lose their virginity. The survey revealed that men predicted the age of 17 and women 16 years old. The Kinsey Institute revealed in a survey, that men actually are on average that little bit younger, losing their virginity at the age of 16.9 years and females averaged slightly older, at 17.4 years of age.
Average duration of sexual intercourse
Both sexes guessed 7 minutes was the average duration of having sex. However, sciencedaily.com reported that in a survey of sex therapists, ‘sex was considered “too short” when it lasted one to two minutes. “Adequate” was three to seven minutes, and “desirable” was considered seven to 13 minutes.